MEscope VES FAQ's

  • We strongly recommend Windows 10/11 with the latest Service Pack installed. 
  • A hard disk with at least 50 Gigabytes (GB) of available space
  • Microsoft DirectX 11 compatible graphics hardware

For a new installation or when updating MEscope (vt######.vtl) license, copy the vt######.vtl license file into the same folder as the MEscope installation program (MEscope-Installer.exe).

Run the MEscope installation program (MEscope-Installer.exe). It will update the license and your copy of MEscope.

If you will be installing MEscope on a computer not connected to the Internet or if an error occurs while installing the prerequisites automatically, download and install the following prerequisites:

Windows 7 Users

Windows is no longer supported by Microsoft. As a result. MEscope is no longer supporting Windows 7. We recommend upgrading to Windows 10 for optimum performance.  

Download and install Console, then connect to our Cloud Database for a demonstration of MEscopeMSS Machine Surveillance Series:

If it looks like one of these: Install HASP Driver

If it looks like of these: Install Sentinel Driver 

  • Download NetworkServer.zip
  • Extract the files in NetworkServer.zip
  • Follow the instructions in the PDF file to install the Vibrant License Server

NOTE: A MEscopeVES Software License can only be activated on one computer.

  • Run MEscopeVES by executing All Programs | Vibrant Technology, Inc. | MEscopeVESfrom the Start Menu.
  • MEscopeVES will attempt Internet Activation automatically and show a success message if no problems were encountered.
  • If you are not connected to the Internet or Internet Activation fails, email your License ID and Activation ID to activate@vibetech.com. When you receive your activated license file (vt#######.vtl, where ####### is your license number), follow the instructions above to install the activated license.

NOTE: To use a cloud license, MEscope must be installed on a computer that has access to the Internet.

When prompted for a license server, cloud license users should enter 27000@vtis.vibetech.com as the license server.

The Acquisition Window and Time Waveforms use the Transmissibility and Input Auto Power Spectrum. This method does not exactly match the previous method, so the magnitude of the Output APS will no longer be the same as the magnitude of the ODS-FRF. The Output APS should be slightly higher in value due to the noise contained within the signal.

Springs, Dampers, and Masses are simple elements and only require a stiffness, damping, or mass value to be entered for them when they are added into the spreadsheet in the FEA Properties window.

Rods, Bars, Plates, and Solid elements require material properties. When they are added to the spreadsheet in the FEA Properties window, they must also reference a material property from the FEA Materials window.

All FEA elements that are added to a test article model are listed in the Structure (STR) window, in a separate spreadsheet for each type of FEA element. The spreadsheet for each FEA element must also contain a reference to one of the FEA properties in the FEA Properties window.

Download this Word document for info on writing scripts in MEscope.

Help Writing Scripts

MEscope ODS Videos FAQ's

Yes, you can use your own high speed camera or even a cell phone. A couple things to keep in mind.

  1. The FPS (Frames Per Second) of the camera must be at least twice the maximum frequency you expect to extract from the video.
  2. Said differently, the maximum RPM of the machine you expect to extract from the video should be less than 30 times the FPS of the camera

Software updates for the Chronos camera are free with the one year warranty. If there are any questions about how to upgrade software or if there are any concerns about the Chronos, email support@krontech.ca

  • Our ODS Videos software extracts sampled time waveforms (TWFs) from successive frames of a video just like TWFs are extracted from analog accelerometer signals using a multi-channel digital acquisition system
  • Each pixel in each frame of a video can be considered the same as a 2D accelerometer mounted on the surface captured in the video
  • All the pixel motions are simultaneously sampled in each frame, just like motions are simultaneously sampled from multiple accelerometer signals with a multi-channel digital acquisition system
  • One difference between the two methods of extracting TWFs is that videos do not have an anti-aliasing filter in front of them
  • Without an anti-aliasing filter, frequencies higher than the Nyquist frequency, or one half of the recording frequency (also called the FPS or frames per second), will “fold back” into the lower frequency band of the spectra
  • For modal testing, using a camera that can record at a higher FPS, and/or using a shaker with a band-limited excitation signal, can help overcome the anti-aliasing problem
  • TWFs extracted from a video can be processed in MEscope using signal processing methods, just like TWFs sampled from accelerometer signals are processed
  • Since only outputs (structural responses) are acquired with a video, we recommend that either ODS-FRFs or Cross power spectra (XPSs) be calculated from the TWFs
  • Both ODS-FRFs and Cross XPSs can be curve fit in MEscope to extract modal frequency, modal damping, and mode shapes
  • But when they are displayed in animation, the mode shapes will only show deformation of the structure in the 2D plane of view of the video

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